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Tech Stack Rust: ratatui, tokio, serde

Shinbun is a TUI application for reading news and media feeds. It's heavily inspired by newsboat with added support for vim's hjkl keyboard navigation.
The name comes from the japanese word for a newspaper.

mpd notification daemon

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Tech Stack Rust

Simple notification daemon for mpd, it fetches album, artist, title and cover of the album and sends a notification about status, song changes etc. Works across all platforms that are supported by Rust and mpd.


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Tech Stack Rust: clap, serde, reqwest, tokio

Anifetch is a command-line application that displays user statistics from AniList, a platform for tracking anime and manga progress.

It's a simple tool that fetches user data from the AniList GraphQL API endpoint and formats it for maximal terminal weeb flexing.


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Tech Stack Python

Small cli application written in Python that scrapes YouTube channel/playlist and plays random video from given channel/playlist. As name implies it's for vibing so it's for background noise while you work or relax.


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Tech Stack Rust: Tokio, Serde, Clap

Cli application written in Rust for querying links for wallpapers from wallhaven.cc using it's api and async Rust.

Nixos configs

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Tech Stack Nix: Flakes

A list of configurations for my computers and servers, written in Nix programming language for reproducable installs and development enviroments across all my devices. Even this site has some nix in it!