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New Year resolutions

Posted on: 01.01.2024 - @Moskas

Time for a Look Back

The last month of the 2023 could certainly be called a month of polishing. Recently, I've started to be a little more active in some communities, and some people have asked me about my configs and setup. Some of the questions could have been easily solved with more information on my repositories, so I've decided to clean up some things and expand the documentation. I know this should have been done way back when I created all the repositories, but better late than never.

Partially due to that, one of my recent posts about org-mode was created.

New Year Resolutions

I've never set any goals for the new year. To be honest, I still think it's a little useless because most people drop them after less than a month in the new year. But I think it's about time that I think about how I need to progress in my life, both in terms of hobbies and in terms of professional work.

But Why?

Over the recent years, I got a feeling of dissatisfaction in my own doing. I'm not doing everything that I can to make some sort of progress. My current job isn't that demanding yet; after coming home, I tend to waste time rather than doing anything for myself, even without thinking about it.

The Plan

Ok, So How Am I Going to Achieve That?

To be fair, at the moment, I have no idea. But one thing I know for sure is that I need to start using org-mode in Emacs. I've been using it, but I've kinda neglected taking notes for new stuff that I have learned, so some things keep going in and out of my brain regularly.

I know this blog post will come out as a bit of a chaotic one and pointless for anyone else besides me, but I'll keep it for the future me.