Hello there!
I'm Moskas, a hobbyist computer programmer from Poland. The website has no particular topic other than being mostly tech related. It's mainly a place for me to write some thoughts or list my programming or rhythm game projects.
Featured projects
mpd notification daemon - Simple notification daemon for mpd, it fetches metadata: album, artist, title and cover of the album and sends a notification about status, song changes etc. Works across all platforms that are supported by Rust and mpd.
vibepy - Small cli application written in Python that scrapes YouTube channel/playlist and plays random video from given channel/playlist. As name implies it's for "vibing" so it's for background noise while you work or relax.
wh-dl - Cli application written in Rust for querying links for wallpapers from wallhaven.cc using it's api and async Rust.
Nixos configs - Not exactly a programming project, more of a DevOps one. List of configurations for systems and services written in Nix programming language for reproducible installs and development environments across all my devices. Even this site has some nix in it!
Recent blog posts
09.07.2024 :: Nix Naming Conventions
01.01.2024 :: New Years Resolutions
17.12.2023 :: Org-mode support